"So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true...For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation." Joseph Smith

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gratitude for so many Baptisms!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, I guess.  ha ha ha  The Italians sort of tried to celebrate Halloween, but obviously Thanksgiving is a holiday they don't even know about.  For us it will be just another ordinary day, but we're so busy I'm glad we're not having a big dinner or anything. 

Well, JULIE IS GOING TO BE BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!  We're way super excited for her but she gave us a bit of a scare because she didn't show up for her baptismal interview.  Things all turned out for the best, though, as President Wolfgramm came yesterday to do the interview instead and said she is golden.  She is really happy and after the interview was literally glowing.  This will be the first baptism in which through the help of the Lord, I was able to find, teach, and then actually see them enter the waters of baptism instead of just being there at the beginning or end.
n saturday one of our appointments fell through and I felt like we should go visit one of our less active families, even though they live quite far away.  The mom is a member but all four of her children are not, her husband left her when she joined the church.  We showed up around 10:45 AM and the only one home was Jonathan, who is 10 years old.  Obviously we couldn't enter the house, so we asked if we could sit on the stairs and have a lesson with him.  We've been wanting to invite him to be baptized for quite some time now because he is ready...he's already read over half of the Book of Mormon without anyone asking and loves it!  He also has started coming to the primary activities by himself!  When we read Mosiah 18:8-10 with him and asked him what he thought, he said ''I want to be a part of the fold of God.''  We asked if he wanted to be baptized on December 10th and he said that after he asked his mom permission, he would love to!  I think he's just been waiting for someone to ask, and the timing happened to be right because he is usually persuaded by his older siblings who need a bit more time to wait.  

Finally, at our english class a woman walked in and greeted me, so I talked with her a moment but honestly had no clue who she was.  A member came up to me a few minutes later and said that she told him she wanted to be baptized.  I went to talk with her again and she told me her name was Carlota, that she had had all the lessons with the missionaries about 6 months ago, and wanted to be baptized as soon as possible!  My companion was so surprised that she asked if she had prayed about this decision and she said, ''Yes, I know it's true.''  We asked President how to proceed and he said to give her a mock baptismal interview, review anything that isn't clear, have her come to church one more time (she's already been twice and knows almost all the members), and then baptize her as soon as we can.  This is like those stories you read in the Ensign, not in real life!  We meet with her tomorrow.  And the best part, she plays raquetball and wants to play against me one day!  ha ha ha
We are so blessed!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sacrifices bring forth Blessings

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  Because they do not celebrate Thanksgiving here (obviously), everyone is already starting to decorate for Christmas.  All of the shops are changing their windows and people have even started hanging lights.  The city has put up wreaths and such and everyone is starting to get in the Christmas mood.  I love it!  It's like an extra two weeks of Christmas. 
On Saturday, we had over 30 people in our beginning English class!  It was insane.  We teach beginning, while the other elders teach intermediate and advanced.  When they came back in at the end, one of them came up to me and said, ''What happened here?!'' with a big grin on his face.  Because my companion is Italian, it's basically up to me to teach.  I guess we must be doing okay because more and more people keep coming.  Plus, our members are so awesome that many of them are friends that they have invited.  Many new participants also decided to stay for FHE afterwards, and we ended up getting appointments with 8 of them!  (4 of them are a part of the same family!)  We are super excited for these contacts and hope that they will turn into investigators.
In other news, it appears I have been called to be the pianist in BOTH wards now.  I play in sacrament every sunday, and was in the other ward with one of our investigators (who was previously excommunicated) and because no one plays in that ward either I stepped in.  We are also doing an English/Italian choir that meets before English class and I am in charge of that as well.  Who knew that I would use music so much! 
Julie is still on track for her baptism on the 26th and never ceases to surprise me with her faith.  She always has a ''one-liner'' that I can write in my journal after every lesson.  For example, yesterday we were talking about the law of chastity and she didn't seem to be getting it at first.  But by the end, however, this is what she said, ''So, if I met a guy and he says he wants to marry me, I will say 'Good, you can come and meet the Anziani (Elders) at church and we will wait until after we get married.'''  It was much more hilarious in Italian, and I also had to edit it a bit.   
Apart from that, things are going really well.  We're trying hard to be obedient so the Lord can lead us to those who are prepared to be baptized, because we are in need of more investigators.  We have 6 or 7 that we meet with regularly, but not all of them are willing to make the changes necessary in their lives.  The gospel is a gospel of sacrifice, which makes it difficult.  However, the blessings far outweigh any sacrifice. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busy Bergamo

It's hard to ever know what to write you all because every day so much happens, but then looking back it's hard to remember what happened!  Yesterday the Lord blessed us with six lessons in one day, three of which with people we had never met before.  Imagine this scene:  an American and a Ghanese, in Italy, speaking German.  The best part was my companion breaking in in Italian after 5 minutes saying, ''Wait, are you guys speaking German?''  That sent us off into hysterics.  We found out he's actually a member but moved in five months ago and hasn't been to church in a year.  He said it was a miracle and kept asking how we knew to come and knock on his door.  Before he told us he was a member, he went to get his bible and said, ''Does this look familiar?''  At first I was struck by the fact that it was a King James version and then I read ''The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.''  Needless to say we'll be putting him into contact with the elders.  

The miracle of the week was the fact that Marlene came to church.  She's been working with the sisters since before I got here, and said, ''You could have been Jehovah's Witnesses or anyone else and I would have let them in.'' and said she wasn't really looking for the truth, just wanted to hear the word of God.  But now her husband is listening to the lessons too, and was coming to church with her and their daughter when they got into an argument and he went home and she came, which was ironic because he was the one who finally said yes to coming to church and she had said ''we'll see.''  They both plan on coming this week and have family who are members and friends here in the ward.  We have high hopes for them.
This week we've really been working with members and have had  many spiritually uplifting lessons with them.  Now more and more of them are willing to help by coming to lessons, inviting friends over, etc.  Things are really moving forward and I'm excited to be here in Bergamo.  Love to you all!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blessings of Baptism

Stories from Bergamo

Sabrina was baptized on Saturday.  It was definitely different from Marlin and Isaac's but wonderful all the same.  Almost all of their family is Catholic, but they were so nice in talking with us and a few are interested in coming back this week for Family Home Evening.  Her mom went all out and ordered this huge buffet, complete with seaweed and fish egg sandwiches (but not exactly cavier...we never really understood the difference.)  For dessert, there were fruit tarts, cream puffs, creme brulee.  It just never seemed to end.  However, Sabrina was really happy and I was able to bear my testimony about the example she is and how the Holy Ghost will help her continue on this path she has chosen in following the Savior.  It was a neat experience.
Two miracles for you this week:
Tuesday we were walking to an appointment when we saw a woman crying in front of a health clinic.  Although we had already rang to go into the appointment, we decided to go over and talk with her.  We asked if there was anything we could do and she told us no and declined an offer to pray together.  We reassured her that the Savior knew what she was going through and that she could rely on Him.
Yesterday as we were going to Verona, we got off at a little city to transfer trains and ran into this same woman!  We sat by her on the train and she asked who we were.  We started telling her about the First Vision and then the Book of Mormon.  I happened to be carrying a Book of Mormon in english for interviews, and she asked if she could have a copy.  She is very religious and has a super strong faith.  She wants to continue her studies in computer technology, maybe in California.  She was so happy about what we talked about, SHE asked if she could give us her number so that we could meet up with her again.  Then, we said a prayer together in the train.  It was somewhat comical because she said ''amen'' after almost every phrase I said, but the spirit was so strong.
The other miracle also has to do with prayer.  One of our investigators has a brother in Bolivia who is a recent convert, and she is so impressed (apparently he is VERY stubborn) that she wanted to hear the missionaries again.  (She had previously had a few lessons before)  Our first meeting, she told us all about being willing to be baptized and LIVE the gospel, but that she had to be sure.  WE told her the only way to be sure was through prayer.  When we went back, she told us how hard she had been trying to pray, but that something kept preventing her from doing so.  We decided to kneel down and the end of the lesson and pray.  They asked me to give a prayer first so she could follow my example.  I did so, simply but fervently.  She then tried a few times, but shook her head, indicating that she couldn't.  It was then that our wonderful member missionary stepped in and prayed with her as you would a child, having her repeat the things she said.  At the end of the prayer, Marisol was crying.  She said she didn't know why she was trembling and felt so good.  Her young daughter was also very touched and when I asked her how she felt, she said, ''Bene!''  Marisol then told us she felt that she could pray now, and wanted to pray for her daughter's sake.  It was a very tender mercy.
Rose and Julie accepted a soft baptismal invite and have been to church twice now, so we are really excited for them.  We had a family night with 3 evangelists who brought 3 other friends at a members house and the Spirit was really present.  We gave them all a Book of Mormon and even though I don't think they are ready now, maybe in the future they will pick it up and read it or remember what we said.  Our member was absolutely on fire, bearing testimony left and right. 
We also went to meet a woman we had met at the bus stop who's from Brazil and found that she had invited her husband, cousin, cousin's fiancee, mother, another cousin, and aunt over, too.  They've actually had the missionaries over before and we are excited to see how that turns out. 


Before I forget, I have to tell you the greatest news.  ERICA IS BEING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY IN FIRENZE.  Yes, Erica, our 87 year old investigator that I spent four months teaching, the first few lessons in German.  I am so excited for her and glad she finally decided to take that step, even so late in life.  I am grateful the sisters kept working with her and didn't give up on her like most people wanted us to do.  Woo-hoo!  I guess patience really does pay off.
Update: Rose and Julie accepted a soft baptismal invite and have been to church twice now, so we are really excited for them.  We had a family night with 3 evangelists who brought 3 other friends at a members house and the Spirit was really present.  We gave them all a Book of Mormon and even though I don't think they are ready now, maybe in the future they will pick it up and read it or remember what we said.  Our member was absolutely on fire, bearing testimony left and right. 
We also went to meet a woman we had met at the bus stop who's from Brazil and found that she had invited her husband, cousin, cousin's fiancee, mother, another cousin, and aunt over, too.  They've actually had the missionaries over before and we are excited to see how that turns out.
As you can see, the Lord is really blessing us here in Bergamo.  There are so many people that He has prepared to hear the gospel.  It's just up to us to consecrate our time and efforts, and then He will help weak things become strong.  I think a quote one of the sister missionaries left me sums it up best:  ''This is the beginning of a new day, God has given me this day, to use as I will.  I can waste it, or I can grow in its light and be of service to others.  But what I do with this day is important, because I have exchanged a day of my life for it.  When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever.  I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it.'' 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ponte Vecchio, the most famous bridge

New City = New Miracles

Hello from Bergamo!!
Bergamo is another one of the prettiest cities in the mission (after Firenze).  I think President Wolfgramm is spoiling me.  It consists of two parts, and the upper city is the more historical and beautiful.  We have yet to go up there because there aren't many residents, but are planning on going next pday with two people we are teaching (Daniel and Marlyn - see below).  From what I can see, though, I am going to love it.  Even though it falls second after Firenze, the members here are definitely first!  This ward is absolutely AMAZING in that those who are active are very strong and involved.  They have tons of activities from Young Single Adults to Family Home Evenings and musical nights.  They are willing to come to lessons with us and are constantly trying to feed us or give us food.  (We are starting to buy less food which will hopefully help me stay within our allotment!)  The bishop here is a saint (no pun intented) who is the epitome of a shepherd watching over the flock.  He works very closely with us regarding investigators, less actives, new converts, etc.  I felt so welcome and at home the first sunday.  They had me bear my testimony and many members came up to greet me afterwards.
Miracles?  You bet!  We have two baptisms right around the corner.  One is Sabrina, a 9 year old whose mother is a member but whose father is not.  We played this game with her about the commandments with her cousins who were over (who also aren't members) and she absolutely loved it.  She's really excited to be baptized.  The brilliant thing is that we've commited her to read the Book of Mormon with her dad every day, and vice versa have commited the father to help his daughter read the Book of Mormon, each without the other knowing.  I am sure his daugher's example will touch his heart one day, even if it's not immediate.
The other is Marlyn, a young woman from Bolivia who is engaged to Daniel, a member who used to be less active but is also being taught and returning to the church.  Those two are going to have such a strong eternal family one day.  There is such a light in their eyes.  Daniel has become like a rock in the church and Marlyn can hardly wait for baptism.
Monday night Daniel asked us to come find his sister (16) and brother (14) who aren't members.  He's been worried about them and some of the choices they've been making, especially his sister who's been having some problems.  We went to get a gelato together and at first they were very closed and didn't want to talk with us.  We were frantically trying to think of what to say, how to begin teaching, when the spirit took over and I asked a question I would have never thought about asking.  It almost seemed to come out of the blue.  Somehow it just opened the doors and Sorella Pastano bore such an amazing testimony about prayer.  At the beginning, the sister didn't even know about the nature of God.  By the end, she said the closing prayer to a loving Heavenly Father in the name of Christ and her older brother, Daniel, started crying.  We were all crying as we sat in silence for a few minutes.  We commited them to go home and pray that very night, to pour out their hearts to the Lord and ask to feel His love for them.  
It is lessons like these that remind you about why you're here.  There's a feeling that enters your heart that tells you you've known these people before, and that you were supposed to find them.  I am so humbled and amazed at these precious times when the veil seems so thin.  How amazing that I'm from Utah, serving half a world away in Italy, talking with Bolivians, in a language that we weren't born with and yet we feel like family?  It's impossible that the Lord is not guiding us and directing us.  Absolutely impossible.  
New Address:
Sorella Sarah Jacobson
Via Maglio del Rame 13
24124 Bergamo

Miracles and Music

Miracle story of the week:  Thursday morning started off not the best of sorts.  We woke up and left immediately to go to the police station to pick up my ''Permesso di sogiorno'' or permission to remain in the country, only to find out that it's only Friday mornings and all of the rest are afternoons.  So we headed towards our appointment with Gina, which fell through.  We were feeling slightly discouraged, trying to study in the park, when I recognized one of the Anziani's investigators and said hello.  A few minutes later he comes back and says, ''My friends would like to hear the word of God.  Can you come?''  Who says that?!  So we walked to the other side of the park and ended up teaching the restoration to two of his friends, Cross and Godsent.  Cross told us that he believed in prophets, and had wanted to meet the missionaries in Nigeria because they ''looked like angels'' but didn't have a chance in moving to Italy.  At the end he gave a prayer and asked God to help him know that the Book of Mormon is true.  It was such a great experience.  We passed them on to the Anziani because they were already teaching their friend and they are all single adult males, but they ended up coming to church on Sunday and everything!  How cool.

We also rescheduled our lesson with Gina and talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  After we talked about baptism, we asked her if she would be baptized when the Lord answered her prayers and she knew it was true and she said, ''No, I've already been baptized.''  We then explained that if she received an answer about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, then she would also know that the priesthood authority has been restored - the same authority held by John the Baptist and Peter, James, and John.  We then explained that we weren't expecting her to do it now, but when she received an answer, and she said yes!  The Lord really is preparing people here!  

Sunday night we went into the church to drop a few things off, and were asked to help with the combined choir which is singing in district conference. We agreed and asked if we could share a spiritual thought so that we could teach as well, seeing as we had about 45 minutes until our lesson.  It was one of those tender mercies that just refresh you spiritually - to be surrounded by members and to be able to play the piano.  Plus, the director actually knew what she was doing, and it was so neat to be in sinc with her - playing parts, bringing out the tenor when that voice struggled, etc, all in Italian instead of English.  The language of music is universal.  At the end they begged me to play a solo so I played Lenora's awesome version of 'If you could hie to kolob' modified somewhat.  They loved it so much that they asked me to play something else, so I played 'Claire de Lune.'  You should have seen their faces.  I had to fudge a few parts but the spirit was so strong.  The two german sisters said they were going to bring a recorder so they could always have it.  I am so glad for all of those years of piano lessons, and how it helps me release stress and rejuvinate my soul. Thank you Bonnie!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Ups and Downs of a Mission

We met a girl named Lisa who is from Canada and are teaching her in English.  She has some really interesting ideas about God as the ''source'' and trying to ''connect with the source'' but it's amazing how much she says that we can relate to the gospel.  She is desperately searching and told us that right now she is on a spiritual journey.  It reminds me a lot about Ammon or Aaron teaching Lamoni and his father about the ''Great Spirit.''  We esentially are doing our best to relate what she already knows to doctrine.  It was almost one of those miracle stories because she said she had been seriously thinking about what to change spiritually in her life when we rang the doorbell.  And then that night, she prayed for the first time and asked God to help her be financially able to undertake a particular course of study through a scholarship, loan, or other means.  The very next day, she was rewarded a scholarship, and she accredits it to the prayer she said with us.  Sorella Lloyd can really relate to her a lot better than I can, so it's fun to hear their ideas and jump in to help explain things and bear testimony.

Yesterday we were feeling a little down because sometimes it feels like we work so hard and our efforts do so little.  But the Lord without fail helps us buoy ourselves back up if we're willing.  Last night He did so in the form of Antonio, who answered the door and told us he was a practicing Catholic.  That usually translates into 'not interested.'  However, I asked what he would think about a living prophet on earth with 12 apostles, the same organization that existed in Christ's time.  And then as I talked about priesthood and authority he just opened the door and said, ''Come in.''  (Thankfully there was a female there or we wouldn't have been able to otherwise.)  He's only here for a few weeks from Southern Italy because his son and daughter are moving up here to study, but we were able to teach the first lesson about the Restoration.  When we asked him to read 3 Nephi 11 about the Savior's coming to America, he said, ''Just one chapter?  I would like to read the whole thing!''  I was so taken aback I almost did not know what to say.  With the Lord, all things truly are possible.  

We were also able to meet with Gina and her sister Vivan this week - two sisters from Nigeria.  It was so strange to teach in English.  They kept on asking us about ''another book'' so when we talked about the Book of Mormon, it was as if they already accepted it.  Gina was really excited about the footnotes and how easy it is to study the bible and book of mormon together.  We showed her an example from Moroni 10 about ''real intent'' and the footnote in James about asking with nothing doubting.  When I asked her how she felt about the Book of Mormon she said, ''It's so good to have another book about Jesus Christ that we can study so we can learn more about Him.''  Her sister gave the coolest prayer at the end about the Holy Spirit being with us.  There are just no words for the miracles that are happening here!

Another tender mercy was being able to teach Silvia twice by herself.  We learned that she is actually married to Gabriele and that they have a boy who is at her parents house.  What an awkward situation as it's the other two who ACT as if they are married.  However, she really opened up to us about herself and her search for a church that she feels right about.  We've had two lessons with just her and she keeps saying that between us, the Catholics, and Jehovah's Witnesses she feels best about us.  In her words, ''I feel best about 'Sarah.'''  I keep telling her that she needs to pray about it but a vain part in me is somewhat happy she feels she can trust our testimonies so much.  Now she just needs to get her own and come to church!

There also happy to be quite a few crazy people in this city.  It seems like they are always drawn to the missionaries.  We were knocking doors and this professor of 100 years opened up to us and starting going off.  ''What do you want?  Who do you think you are?  I'm a professor don't you know?  I've written books on religion!''  He told us how he was the head of the Francescans here in Firenze (a religious group) and even recited some of his poetry.  In reality, it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard as he changed voices, his tears filled with eyes, and he raised his arms to the heavens.  And then he went off about Dante and how he doesn't believe in purgatory.  I finally just brought out the Book of Mormon and as he held it really close to read the title he shoved it away as if he had been burned saying ''Oh, the Mormons!  No, no no.  I cannot take it!  I cannot change!''  It was quite hilarious.  He was really nice, though, and sent us away with all these blessings.  

Shortly thereafter we hopped on the bus and this somewhat handicapped man saluted us and just started talking, and talking, and talking about Miami (I think he lived there) and who knows what else.  All of the other passengers kept looking at us with this sympathetic look in their eyes because they couldn't really understand him either.  He then made Sorella Lloyd rub his bald head which I had to try SO terribly hard not to burst out laughing.  He just grabbed her hand and rubbed his head with it!  He kept asking for help so we decided to exit and told him that we would pray for him.  Oh man!

There are so many other adventurous stories but not enough time to write them all.  There are still a few moments every day that I think to myself, 'I cannot believe I'm here.' like when the sun is going down, the clouds are glowing pink, and we're walking this random ivy colored side street with a castle in the distance.  It's so crazily wonderful!  Love you all! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More Miracles

Miracle story of the week: we were doing casa again, and were let in immediately by Giorgio, one of the coolest Italians I have met. He was there with his two daughters and a Catholic friend who was very, very, Catholic. He was very courteous and explained that over time he had lost his faith, that he was going through a separation with his wife, and that he felt he couldn't pray to God because it would be unjust to start only in time of need, without praying all the past years. You could tell that he was very intelligent and thought before he spoke. We were able to share the story of the restoration, and even his catholic friend became interested and started asking a ton of questions. We offered to leave a book of mormon but he admited he wasn't in the best of places to read it. We instead left the pamphlet on the restoration which his catholic friend started thumbing through (although at the beginning hadn't even wanted to listen.) And then my companion Sorella Lloyd worked such a miracle. She hadn't really talked for the whole lesson because Giorgio was difficult to understand, but she gave the most heartfelt prayer that invited the spirit so strongly into the home. When she finished, Giorgio's eyes were full of tears. A grown man, crying, because of a prayer. He made sure he had our number about three times and then we left. I know his heart may be too bruised to think about it now, but I am sure one day he will be ready. We're planning on going back in a few weeks to follow up. 

Good Luck to Richard (Elder Jacobson, that is!) as he heads to the MTC this week!!

Sorella Jacobson

Monday, August 29, 2011

Golden Times

I am happy to report that we do have some awesome things going on.  I feel like my new companion, Sorella Lloyd, has brought miracles with her.  She is such a hard worker and is always willing to try, even if she doesn't quite understand all of the Italian yet.  The other day we were knocking doors and met this couple, Gabrielle and Guilia, who let us in right away.  They were so energetic and talkative, and we were able to talk about the first vision and leave them a Book of Mormon.  When we went back, they had read and had invited another friend who read too.  They bombarded me with SO many questions about the Plan of Salvation, that I told them we would have to come back and talk more.  We get to meet with them tomorrow because they invited us to dinner.

We also met this African lady from Nigeria.  It was kind of crazy, I hadn't even planned on talking to her but wanted to quickly compliment her on her hair and move on.  We ended up talking and she had previously had lessons from the missionaries, but when she went to the hospital lost contact as well as her Book of Mormon.  She also told us about asking God to let her see and angel and dreaming about an angel twice.  She is way cool and we are meeting with her later this week as well.

I cannot tell you how much the Lord has been blessing us.  I still am far from perfect, but I am so much more comfortable talking with people, now.  In fact, I am starting to really enjoy it.  The Italians (or at least, everyone currently living in Italy) are usually so nice about it, even when they're not interested.  A lot of them have some really cool stories and experiences to share.  We have been meeting many 'golden contacts' who will hopefully start turning into investigators.  It just amazes me how much EVERYONE needs the gospel in their lives.  For some, it is just a few small changes.  For others, it changes their entire life.  But for all, it brings them a sort of happiness that they have never felt before.  

Love you all!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

More Miracles

This week was the miracle of Leda.  Do you remember Francesca?  She was the ''investigator'' at the MTC who also came up to me the very first sunday in church?  Leda is one of her really good friends that she gave to us as a referral over a month ago.  However, we had felt to wait and have Francesca continue talking with her for a bit.  On sunday, I went up to Francesca to confirm where Leda worked downtown.  She texted us that night, saying she would come to our appointment the next day, and asked us to pray about a baptismal invite.

The lesson was so powerful the next day.  Even though centro was crowded with tourists, there was the quiet influence of the Spirit.  As we talked with her, we realized just how much faith Leda has.  She had previously met with the missionaries years ago, but had a difficult time accepting the Book of Mormon or that her Protestant baptism was not valid.  It made her question her entire life up until then.  Also, her husband was completely against the church.  But now, he's had a change of heart, as so has she.  Year after year, as she studied and through the friendship of Francesca, she discovered the truth.  And so after we talked about the Restoration and I asked if she had received and answer to the Book of Mormon, she said, ''I know it is true, and I want to be baptized.''  In her words, ''I always knew everything in the Bible was true, but felt it was missing parts of the truth.  I found those pieces in the Book of Mormon.''  Now she is reading Doctrine and Covenants!  We did not do anything but had the privelege of wearing the nametags and witnessing such a miracle.  It was through her desires, the Spirit, and the friendship of Francesca that she was converted.  We are now all praying that the Lord will continue to prepare the way so she can be baptized September 9.  She will still need to confront her husband and find a solution so she does not need to work sundays, but I am confident the Lord has prepared her and will not leave her now. 

She is not the only one who the Lord has been preparing.  It amazes me as I realize how involved He is in the work and is shaping me personally.  As I've had to ''train,'' I've realized that it is really me who is ''training,'' and not Sorella Lloyd.  The Lord has blessed me beyond measure with gifts such as the gift of tongues so that I can understand and communicate.  He is multiplying my efforts to talk with people, so now it is much more natural to start a conversation.  He understands what motivates me and how I work, and is highlighting such traits so I can grow and continually progress to become who He needs me to be.  I know that He is doing the same for all of us, whether we're new parents, on the job, retired, or preparing to enter the MTC.  And he will do the same for all of you.

Sorella Jacobson

A New Companion

So . . . We received the telephone call for transfers yesterday.  Sadly, my companion is going to be transferred to Milano.  She has been such a great trainer and friend...I've learned so much.  As for myself, I am also going to Milano..................................................................................................................... to pick up a greenie!  Yes, that's exactly what I thought.  In a moment of true inspiration or true insanity, President feels that the Lord wants me to be a trainer.  At two and a half months.  As an American.  In Firenze.  It is unheard of, even for a mission as young as us.  I think I will go with temporary insanity.  And thus I became an aunt for real and a ''mom'' the same day.  In fact, we received the call at almost the exact same time Elisa's baby was born, more or less.

How do I feel?  Still in shock.  Scared out of my mind, nervous, vastly inadequate in the language among other things, excited, I think I will throw up, all rolled together.  Please say lots and lots of prayers because there is no way I can possibly do this without the Lord's help.  In fact, that is the only way to do it.  I will trust and hope with all my might that He knows what I am doing, because I sure do not.  It will be hard enough language-wise, let alone everything else!  However, I will try and learn all that I can from this challenging experience, maybe it's just the Lord's way of humbling me, because heaven knows I need it!  I do not know who my companion is yet because they arrive today.  I will be picking her up tomorrow.

As for the miracle of the week, when we arrived in church on thursday for a meeting, there was a note taped to the door which essentially said,

 ''My name is Giorgio.  I've tried calling numerous times but no one has responded.  I would like to receive a copy of 'The Book of Mormon' if possible.  When you read this, I would ask you to please contact me.  I will come by on Sunday around 10, hoping to find you.''  

We called him immediately and had a small lesson with him that very night.  Turns out he's studied almost every Christian religion extensively and already knew about Joseph Smith.  In fact, he even told us how he read James 1:5!  He came to church on sunday and we found out he's studying at an evangelist school, broke rules by missing meals to meet with us and come to church, and is from the south.  He's actually returning home this week but may return to Firenze, come September.  Who knows what will happen but it shows how the Lord prepares those who are searching for the truth, no matter where they may be.

As for Erica, she prayed out loud for the first time yesterday, something she has not done her entire life because she's been terribly frightened to do so.  I was almost in tears.  Yes, Firenze is a difficult city, but there are always trials before the miracles.  I am certain more are around the corner, especially with the faith of my new companion who will have the fire of the MTC.  I am grateful for the chance to be here and for all of your love and support.

a little bit funny...

I have some funny stories for you all this week.   The other morning, I went to grab my exercise mat and there was this creature that I almost touched behind it.  Thankfully it was 630 in the morning so I wasn't awake enough to scream.  It turned out to be a gecko (spelling?) which my roommate happens to be terribly afraid of.  It didn't help that it was the biggest she's ever seen.  I think you all would have laughed at the sight of me, half awake, shaking, using the broom and dustpan to try and get him to leave.  I had to talk to him to keep myself from being too scared.  ''Come on, little guy.  You can do it!  Come on!''  Meanwhile my companion is on the other side of the door trying not to scream or vomit.  It was quite hilarious.  When another one came in the next night, it was a bit easier.  

Story number 2.  We went to find one of our less actives, who happens to be from Africa.  Turns out she made dinner for us and asked us to stay.  I wondered why my companion was hesitant to agree but quickly found out.  When she removed the cover, I had to try very hard not to change expressions because it both looked and smelled like cat food.  It was this brown mushy stuff with an entire chicken...and I mean entire chicken inside.  Ever spoonful was difficult, and I just had to keep making myself swallow and try not to think about what it was.  After we left, my companion told me she swallowed the skeleton of a fish and felt it as it slid down her throat.  I almost lost everything I had just eaten right there.  And luckily for us, she was so pleased that we ate it, she invited us back again to cook a fish stew that has ''lots of ingredients that you cook all day.''  So if you don't hear from me... kidding!

Contrast this with Sorella Faita, an Italian from Southern Italy who doesn't know how to write, is a pioneer in the faith in Italy, and brought up all of her children in the gospel as a single mother.  Before we stepped in the door my companion turned to me and said, ''Remember, you HAVE to eat everything or she'll be offended.''  In my mind I thought, please don't let this be another cat food experience, please.  First we ate this delicious pasta with a sauce she made from tomatoes from her own garden, and then a tomato salad with basil, olive oil and garlic.  I thought, man that was good, I'm glad we came.  But no.  She then brought out meat, potatoes, beans, and bread.  I tried to take just a bit, but she came and heaped more onto our plates.  It was beyond delicious but I thought my stomach would have to be surgically removed.  And of course, all Italians finish with fruit, so throw a peach on top.  

On a more serious note: I find it difficult to find the words to describe my feelings toward the work right now.  I guess you can say it's a lot like fly fishing.  There are few things I enjoy more than fly fishing - as such, there's not really anything I enjoy more than serving the Lord full time.  But just because fly fishing is enjoyable doesn't make it easy.  You have to deal with bugs, brambles that scrape and cut you, falling in the icy river, walking in muddy shoes, sun burns, and almost killing yourself hiking in and out of the gorge.  But it's worth all of the pain because there is a joy you cannot find otherwise.  As for fishing, you cat your line again and again.  Sometimes they bite, sometimes they don't.  Sometimes the perfect hole turns up nothing and an unexpected pool brings up a whopper.  Sometimes they slip away after you reel them in a bit.  Most are too small to keep.  But at the end of the day, you might have one or two to take home that were worth all of that time and effort.

Right now I'm trying to survive all the bugs and brambles.  I'm struggling with the form and to learn the doctrines that form the fly.  I'm trying to keep my line in the water longer to invite more fish to bite.  But to be honest, most of the time I feel I am a very poor fisherman.  But just like my dad was always there to help me practice my figure 8's or roll casts and point out which holes to fish and how, I am learning to trust my Heavely Father to do the same.  And just like I always had a fishing buddy in Richard, I have a companion to accompany me and help me out.

Love to you all!

The reason for the lack of posts:

Kainoa Kahele Apo
YES - Sarah is an Auntie!
born August 9th

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Truth and Testimony

The miracle this week was our latest lesson with Erica.  We were teaching her about the Word of Wisdom (which she thankfully agreed with completely!) when she asked where it was written.  As we explained about the Doctrine and Covenants, she remembered reading a part of it when she found it among her father's things.  (He was the one who had also had a Book of Mormon).  She remembered how different it was from the Bible, but that as a 16 year old, she found a story about angels appearing to a boy hard to believe.  When we asked how she felt about it now, she bore a sweet one sentence testimony.  ''I now know it is true.''  It's hard to describe how you feel as a missionary when you hear your investigators bear their own personal testimonies about something you've been teaching and witnessing.  It's a type of joy that transcends any sort of worldly happiness.

Another cool thing happened on Sunday.  Usually I am a bit stressed about Erica - how will she like the class? is her hearing aide working?  who will she sit by? but the members have been really good about befriending her.  The relief society president even invited her to lunch!  Anyway, this sunday two members had her sit with them, so I was able to actually focus on the meeting.  I don't know how to describe it but as I was sitting there I finally felt...at home.  As if I belonged to the branch.  I felt a deep love and concern for each member and their eternal welfare.  I also felt a spritual embrace from my Heavenly Father for me.  It reminded me of learning to ride a bike with training wheels for the first time, and how going up the hill to our house, dad would have to give us a push occasionally and remind us to keep pedaling.  We'd peddle as fast as we could, but because of the incline or because we'd get tired, he'd give us another push.  It was like Heavenly Father was giving me a gentle push to help me up the hill and remind me to keep pedaling.

Other than Erica, things are a bit slow right now.  All of the tourists come to Florence in the summer, but all of the Florentines leave for the mountains or the sea to escape.  August is apparently the worst, when EVERYONE leaves for vacation and most of the stores close.  The other day we literally walked down the middle of a usually busy street without meeting even a dog.  My companion joked that it was like a scene from a western with the tumbleweed blowing.  I can't imagine what it will be like in a week or two.  We'll just have to hope that the Lord will have someone stick around that we can teach. ;) 

Keep on praying for us, but especially Florence.  We need help with this work - there's no way we can do it alone.

~Sorella Jacobson

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Four Months Gone so Quick!

This post may end up being somewhat short because we ended up going to Siena today and barely missing a train so we are running a bit late.  Siena is BEAUTIFUL.  Definitely breathtaking.  It is the epitomy of Italy and still has a flavor of the Middle Ages-Rennaissance.  I took a bunch of pictures.  The highlight was climbing this bridge to a panoramic view where you could see the Duomo, the ''Campo'' where they have ''Palio'' or the famous horse race, San Francesco (another famous church), all surrounded by the Tuscan hills and vineyards as well as the mix matched clay rooftops.  I could have stayed up there for hours.  We also got to see the works of Bernini and Donatello in the Cathedral, museum, and baptistry. 

I feel like great things are in store for the city.  Some of our less actives have been coming consistently and members are starting to invite us over to meet their non-member friends, something which hasn't happened for a long time.  We are also revamping our investigator pool although it is hard for us to 'drop' people.  As Joseph Smith said, ''A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things will never have the power necessary for salvation.''  Yes, we are required to 'sacrifice' much but the promised blessings far outweigh the efforts.  It is difficult to see those who know it is true but are unwilling to change, or have an interest but are unwilling to pay the price to find out.  But hopefully we can plant seeds for others to reap later on as we look for those who are truly elect and prepared to accept the message.

I love you all.  Keep hanging in there.  Thanks for the love and support.  I pray for you always.
~Sorella Jacobson

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's a little bit hot here ...

It's been about 104° F and coupled with the humidity, it's been tough.  But with lots of water and popsicles, we manage to make it through.  This Sunday in church I was sad that Erica couldn't come when one of the elders walked in and told me there was a family waiting for me.  I was a bit confused but when I walked out, I saw a family from Sri Lanka that I had invited to church during our exchange.  What a surprise!  They stayed for sunday school and then had to leave, but we have an appointment with them friday and they want to come again sunday.  To me it was a fulfillment of Ether 12:6, the Lord worked the miracle after we showed the faith of opening our mouths.

As you know, that has really been a struggle for me.  But with the Lord's help, things are getting much better.  I still have a bit of fear, but I know that He'll bless me with what to say every time, without fail.  And what's the worst that can happen?  They either say no or they're not interested.  We also have an appointment with a girl I talked to for about a half hour on the bus.  She was way cool and like all Italians, was so nice about helping out my Italian.  We've been praying for new investigators, and it seems the Lord is answering our prayers!  

I also taught English class for the first time last night.  They had shut it down a few months back, but Sorella Modugno and I wanted to start it back up again.  I was a bit nervous but it actually went really well.  We only had three people but I am hoping more come.  Plus it's summer so a lot of people are out of town.  

Thank you for your prayers and the good news of Richard's call.  Enjoy the pictures!

add in a little fun...

the famous leaning tower of PISA

on an exchange in front
of the Duomo - downtown Florence

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Called to Serve Together

I know Sarah would want me to share this great news with you all:

Elder Richard Braden Jacobson has been called to serve in the Baltimore, Maryland Mission.  He will preach the gospel in the English Language and depart for the MTC on Wednesday, August 31st. 

I know - from personal experience - that there is nothing quite as remarkable as serving with a sibling.  Sarah and Richard will be greatly blessed as they spread the gospel together on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean.  It's a bond that you can't ever quite break. 

And now, Sarah's good news report from the week:

I met Simonetta, an new investigator this week.  She sings in the choir for the opera house in Firenze, and her husband used to be one of the top pianists in all of Italy.  Two years ago he started tripping a lot, and then his leg became paralysed.  Now he is confined to a chair due to some disease similar to muscular dystrophy, and they cannot do anything to treat it.  Can you imagine?  It's like Beethoven when he lost his hearing!  After talking with Simonetta, she invited me to play their grand piano - a Steinway.  After a few simple arrangements theh husband let me borrow Moonlight Sonata to play, and then invited me back to play for him again.  Here I was, not having really practiced in years, performing for one of the most famous pianists in Italy, who asked me to come back.  Sorella Modugno almost cried when we left because he is usually OPPOSED to the missionaries and dislikes it when they come.  I am glad I had the chance to bear my testimony through music, no matter how amateur it may have been to him.  All those years and all that money wasn't wasted, mom!
In other news Erica continues to progress and came to church again.  She has already changed so much - there is a new light in her eyes that didn't used to be there before.  Also, yesterday she told me that the 'perchè' or 'why' isn't important to her anymore - why God would take away her children or husband - but she knows that she had this trial to strengthen her so she could help others.  I wanted to cry!  We have been working so hard to get her to this point and she did so in her own time.  Also, she always refuses to pray in front of us but told me that eventually she wants to do so - something she had said she would never do. 
So, things are going well in Firenze, minus the mosquitoes.  Seriously, they are the bane of my existence.  My legs look like they've been through a lawnmower.  Also, we are finally getting an exterminator to come and take care of the cockroaches in our apartment.  (After 9 weeks of calling) so that is happy news as well.  I feel certain that this transfer we will find new investigators to teach, and we're starting an English class with or without the Anziani (because we're sick of waiting for them.)
I love you all!  Thank you for your prayers!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Miracles Do Happen!

MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!  This week Erica came to church for the first time.  It was so cool to see her pull up and crack a big, huge smile.  Also, it was a testimony to me of how important it is to work with the members.  In the past, I guess most investigators don't get a warm reception, but they were so good to Erica.  First of all, one of them went all the way across the city to pick her up (2 hours there and back to get her and take her afterwards), the German sisters who have come to 3 or 4 lessons with us always sat by her to help her understand, anyone who knew an inkling of German came up to her and tried to say something, and many people who have attended branch council and knew that she was coming came up and shook her hand.  I wanted to cry.  The only unfortunate thing is that her hearing aid didn't work, so she couldn't hear anything.  But she said she felt really good, loved the music and children, and just felt bad she couldn't understand.  When we visited her yesterday, we talked about it again and answered her questions.

Also, a less active family came too!  Well, the husband and the son came but the mom had to stay home.  Because it's socialized healthcare, there's this thing called 'control' who can come around and see if you are following doctor's orders.  If not, they don't pay.  She had just had an operation so she had to stay home in case they came.  But we went and visited her afterwards and had a great lesson about the family.  As we were leaving, she ran after us and asked us if we could come back next week to do a Family Home Evening and teach their friend who is not a member but accepted to hear about the gospel from us! 

Thinking about this, as well as the fact that Erica is a referral from the members, it just helped me realize that the Lord really is guiding us.  After much praying and discussion with leaders, we've felt that we really need to focus on the branch, the members, and the less actives.  Sure, maybe we're not doing as much 'finding work' but I think the Lord has allowed us to see that we are doing what He would have us do.  Plus, we still do 'finding' when we go to the houses of less actives and such by doing 'casa' or knocking doors in the area, or trying to talk to people on the bus.  (Although that one hasn't worked out too well for me.  They usually think I'm crazy.)  But I know that this is the Lord's work and that if we seek to do it in His way, He will bless our efforts.  Because heaven knows there is no way we could do it ourselves. 

Funny story of the week:  This less active family really wants to watch a short film with us about the sculpter who walked 35 km to the temple every week to sculpt, even after he lost a leg.  I thought they kept talking about 'scarpe' or shoes, which I thought was a bit strange but maybe it was refering to the leg he made out of wood or something.  Anyway, when we were planning I said, °Okay, we'll go to this house and watch the film about the shoes with them and sunday.° Sorella Modugno said, °Shoes, what do you mean?  Oh about the 'scalperino!'  Scalperino, Sorella, not Scarperino° and I said °Well, he doesn't have a leg, so I guess that means he doesn't have a shoe, either.°  It's much more funny in Italian °Ma lui e senze una gamba è significa senza scarpe° 

I love you all!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A City To Pray For

Well the big news is that on Sunday night, we found out at 10:30 PM that we had an exchange the next day, even though we've been asking for weeks now.  We found out from the sisters, not even our zone leaders.  I think it was the first time I have ever seen Sorella Modugno mad.  So we had to stay up late getting ready so switch after zone conference.  It was interesting to be given the reins of Firenze and be the one who had to know which bus to take, where to go, who to call, etc.  It all worked out pretty nicely, though.  Sink or swim type of mentality.  In fact, Sorella Willey is still with me.  She's been out for about 5 months.  I think's always good to have a bit of a change.  I learned some new things about contacting that really helped me.  The downside is having to spend 8 hours in a train between monday and today, but so ist das Leben or in other words, così è la vita. 

Yesterday we went and taught Erica together.  It was a really special lesson as I talked about Joseph Smith and bore my testimony about how I knew he was a prophet of God.  For the first time, I gave the baptismal invite...in German.  It's hard to explain how scary but amazing that is.  It's a good thing they encourage us to give the invite sooner, because we found out she was baptized at 16!  No wonder she was golden!  But she was never really active so we'll keep working with her.  She's been trying to pray for a while but has some personal problems that are preventing her.  However, she is slowly making progress and yesterday asked us to keep praying for her and with her because it really helps her.  Prayer seems like such a small thing to us, but if you really think about how critical it is, it's astounding.  The fact that we can talk with Heavenly Father and receive personal answers is incomprehensible.  The first thing we do when we have a problem is pray, but very few people have a knowledge of that lifeline.  

It's hard to know what else to write.  Now that we found out Erica is a member, we don't have any progressing investigtors.  It would be easy to say that we're wasting our time or that Firenze just needs to be closed.  Even the members tell us that the soil in this city is too hard to plant, let alone even reap.  And the seeds that were planted wither and die, as shown by the number of less actives.  But in spite of it all, I am full of hope.  I know we are here for a reason, whether it's to build up the branch, bring one person back to church, or baptize 10 people.  To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me what I do, as long as I am doing what the Lord wants me to do.  I'm glad I'm in Firenze which is known as a 'missionary killer.'  
Because it is my first city, I've never heard of the nicknames or reputation it has.  But it is breaking me down. It's breaking me down in a good way though, grinding out all of my imperfections and weaknesses.  If I had started out with tons of baptisms or investigators like the other cities, I would not have to completely and totally rely on the Lord like I do know.  I would think that my best is good enough, when it is far from being the best.  I will give every ounce of strength to this city, crawling on my knees if I have to.  And if I don't see one single baptism, or one single reactivation, it will be worth it.  It will be worth it because I will be polished until the Savior's image can shine in my countenance instead of mine.

I hope you do not think I am carried away unto boasting.  Instead I feel more like Ammon, if I do boast it is because I praise my God.  There are no words to relate the gratitude I feel for being in this city at this time with this companion.  I learn so much every day.  I see those we are working with who have had abortions, whose husbands have left them, who don't know how they will feed or clothe their child, or who have all the money in the world but are impoverished spiritually and I realize just how much I have.  I realize just how much I take forgranted.  We are so blessed.  We are so rich spiritually.  Please don't lose sight of that.
Love you all.  Keep the faith.  Continue to pray for me and this city, and I'll do the same for you.  
Vi voglio benissimo!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Rains in Spain - Or Italy!

This week we had an experience I will never forget:

After church on sunday, we went and ate and then went to the train station because we had to go to Signa to visit a family.  While we were waiting for the bus to go to the station, we saw some storm clouds and thunder but thought it would just rain ten minutes and stop like it did the day before.  We got to the station, missed our train by 30 seconds, and started to debate what to do for the next hour when all hail broke loose (pun!)  I do not think I have ever seen it rain so hard for a very, very long time.  The rain then turned into hail.  I group of us were gathered under this awning which amplified the sound, making it seem like it was ten times worse than it really was.  We waited for about 20 minutes, and then with no sign of letting up, my companion said she felt like we should go home because it was not safe to go to Signa.  We walked down the stairs to find the entire station flooded!  There was a river of 2 inches of water flowing through the station, and it was quite diverting to watch businessmen in suits take off their shoes and role up their pant suits to wade through the water.  We trudged through ourselves only to realize that neither of us had brought an umbrella!  A street vendor tried to sell us one but either out of sheer stupidity or because our subconsciousness was more obedient about not buying anything on sunday, we said no.  And so we lived one of my childhood dreams of walking in the rain, fully dressed, for the 15 minutes it took to get home.  We arrived as drowned rats but had so much fun...I even jumped in a few puddles with my skirt.  Our zone leaders called us and told us to stay in because the streets were flooded, no one was about, and there were too many accidents.  So we made tiramisu and torte for the sisters who came to stay with us that night to get fingerprinted the next day.  I will never forget that experience!

On a more spiritual note, we've had two more lessons with Erica, whom we are teaching in German (well, my companion can only really say Auf Wiedersehen but it works :) ).  This past time, two members came with us who grew up in Germany, so it was nice to have their added testimonies.  At the end, Erica promised that she would pray for the first time since her son died many years ago.  She told me that with his death, it was like she hung up the telephone and never picked it up again.  Also, the time before, she said she wanted to come to church with us, without us even saying anything!  It will have to wait for a bit, though, because she had a fall and her balance is not quite where it would be safe.  Her friend, Giuseppe, listened in the last time and wants to hear more.  He's an Evangelist, so has a very different perspective, but is open to new things. 

Two of our other investigators also made progress this week, and one of them is coming to church on Sunday!  It's interesting how in the mission, the smallest things make you so happy.  Watching people take small and simple steps to change their lives is unlike anything I've ever experienced before.  You feel like a parent, but also like a friend and teacher all rolled into one.

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but Italy has a ton of immigrants from PerĂ¹.  There are quite a few Peruvians in the branch, and I absolutely love them!  It's interesting to see the mixture of culture, the mixture of peruvian-spanish-italian. The wonderful thing is that the gospel remains the same, no matter where you are.

I think the most important thing I am learning right now, is to work with my heart.  It's not about numbers and figures, although those help us to stay on track.  But seeing someone look you in the eye and smile with pure joy because of that small bit of light the gospel has brought into their life, is one of the most rewarding things.  And you can only truly understand it heart to heart, spirit to spirit, person to person.  It is also the heart that the Lord looks at, as in picking David to be king.  We are told that we will be judged by the thoughts and intents of our hearts.  Just something to think about. 

***If you would like to send a letter to Sarah's apartment in Florence, here's the address.  Keep in mind that transfers are every six weeks and although she expects to be there for a few transfers, it is probably safer to send things to the mission office, which are forwarded to her twice a month:

Sorella Sarah Jacobson
Via Delle Medaglie D'Oro 19/12
50141 Firenze (FI)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sarah and her companion in front of the Duomo

Buon Giorno from Firenze (Florence)!

Sarah has safely arrived in Florence, Italy and shares the following stories: (as a note, the keyboards there are a bit different; I haven't fixed all her spelling errors so don't laugh too hard.)  She also had a lot to say so I've divided it up into paragraphs...

Arrival in Italy
My birthday was both the best and worst birthday ever.  They made us stay up until 930 pm so we were going on 36 hours without sleep.  I felt so sick and couldn't even enjoy the pizza because all I wanted to do was sleep.  Sister Wolfgramm was so nice, though, and did this big thing for my birthday.  Over 50 % of the mission has been here for less than 3 months and they've only been here a year so we are definitely a young mission! 
The next day we had a meeting to get our areas and trainers.  Pres. Wolfgramm had mentioned that one of the trainers had only been out for 6 weeks and had said something to me like, "Oh, you speak German.  I remember I made a note about how you like difficult language situations because of that program you did." so when I heard about the trainer, I thought it would be me. 
I was right!  My trainer is Sorella Modugno who is a native Italian from Rome.  She is so awesome!  I don't think there's any way I could be any more immersed.  We speak English maybe 5 to 10 minutes a day, and the rest is completely in Italian.  She totally amazes me.  As we talk, I realize how hard it must be to be a member in Italy.  She has so much faith to be out here right now.  I am relieved that communication really isn't that big of a deal, and we even joke around in Italian all the time.  I actually really wanted to be companions with a native to force me to learn the language. 
Life in Florence
Florence is another story!  I really wanted to serve here at some point.  It is already swealtering hot!  Currently we are sitting across the street from the duomo and baptistry (which ironically has a font for baptisms by immersion) and after we email we're going to see Michelangelo's David, as in the statue I've only ever seen in textbooks!  It definitely is sort of like a fairy tale.
Actually, there are tons of people from Peru in Florence.  On sunday we ate lunch we 3 members (ladies) and a less active.  We ate this awesome peruvian rice.  I had to try hard to not envy their apartment.  It is picturesque Italian with green wooden shutters and flowers on the balcony, with laundry hanging on the line.  It was so cool to just sit there and chat in Italian (even though I only caught about 50 %) and laugh and then do the whole kiss on both cheeks as we were leaving.  I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure it is not a dream. 
Today we went to Ufizzi, one of the most famous museums in the world.  It was so strange but I almost started crying at times because I simply could not believe what I was seeing.  It was no longer just something from a textbook, but the real live thing.  My favorite was Botticelli's Allegory of Abundance or Autumn.  It's the one with the woman standing on the seashell with the gods blowing her to shore.  I probably stood there for a good 15 minutes.  Second best was Bandinelli's Lacconte and his children which is the statue of him and his sons being  taken by the serpent.  If you look it up you'll know what it is.  Also Lukas Cranach's painting of Martin Luther and his wife, Madonna and the long neck, Leda and the Swan, Rembrandt's self portrait, etc.  We waited over and 1 1-2 to get in but it was worth it. Afterwards, we ate the best pizza in the entire world.  I am not lying.  It was Napoli pizza and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  I finally know what real Italian pizza is!  Also, my companion made pasta twice this week and it is better than anything you can imagine.  Thankfully we only have breakfast and one other meal so I am watching my weight.
Missionary Work
The days can get long, knocking door after door or trying to talk to people and getting rejected again and again...and again.  It definitely is Europe and there is not much interest in God.  Right now I'm trying to focus on what I can change in order to become a better missionary, because I know sucess only follows our efforts to change ourselves first.  So I'm trying to talk to a few more people each day, because it's difficult for me to open my mouth in a language I don't know and start a conversation about the gospel.   
But miracles are everywhere.  One day, we were on the bus and my comp wasn't feeling well so she was dozing.  This woman walked on and I felt I should talk with her.  I didn't want to, the bus was pretty crowded, and there was a group waiting to get on.  I promised the Lord that if someone in the group didn't sit in the only seat available across from her, I'd talk to her (because I expected someone would). Lo and behold no one did, so I grudgingly walked down the bus.  She had on a peculiar necklace engraved with the images of three people.  I asked her about it and we ended up talking about the Plan of Salvation for quite a while because it was her parents and sister, all of whom had died.  It was crazy how the Lord provided the way and the words for me to communicate with her. 
Two days ago we went to find a referral from two sisters in the branch.  We met Erica who is 87 years old from Switzerland.  I started talking with her in German and quickly discovered that the vocabulary of the gospel is vastly different than every day German, but she kept on talking to me in German.  She told me her husband and children had died, that she was all alone, and had given her German Bible away.  I told her we had brought her a present (Das Buch Mormon) only to discover that she had already read half of it and was really interested in Joseph Smith!  One of the workers at the assisted living facility had already presented her with one and she remembered the missionaries meeting with her father years ago so she decided to start reading it!  The Lord really is preparing people, even in Italy, of any age.  Thankfully she is very nice and patient, and when I tried to bear my testimony the Lord stepped in.  

My Testimony
I've learned quite a bit about faith this week.  I've learned that just as it says in Ether, miracles only follow faith.  In timothy I learned that we demonstrate our faith through our actions...belief is not enough.  As I acted and went out of my comfort zone, the Lord blessed me.  "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  Be not though therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." 2 TimonĂ¹thy 1: 7 and 8.  Faith and fear cannot coexist, nor can any of us do anything on our own.  It is only once we let go of that fear, let go of the edge of the swimming pool, that we can really learn how to swim.  And just as mom or dad was always in the pool with us to catch us when we faltered, we have a Heavenly Father awaiting with open arms and a Brother who has already swam in deep waters.  The gospel is true.  It is the law and life of eternal happiness.  By using our faith to apply the doctrine of Christ every day, we will have joy.
Sarah also sent some pictures that I'll post soon.  As this point, the best way to reach her is to send mail to the mission home where it will then be forwarded to her directly. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Off to Italy!

A quick note:
This is the last email we'll get from Sarah before she departs for Milan.  If you are sending her any mail, please make sure it arrives at the MTC by next Monday.  Sarah flies out early Tuesday morning for Milan, actually arriving there the next day - her birthday!

As soon as we receive her mission address in Milan, we'll forward it on.  In the meantime, send all mail to the mission home.

There's really not much to report from this front, besides all of us getting anxious to head out.  It's weird to think that it's been almost two months.  We're all planning on what type of food we want to eat at the airports and such.  I'd love 5 Guys but I don't think that will happen.  ha ha ha
Last night Elder Neal L. Andersen came.  Apparently having 3 apostles is a pretty big deal.  It's been awesome, though.  He had some really interesting thoughts on the Atonement.  He talked about the merits, mercy, and grace that saves us.  The merits of the Atonement is the fact that we will overcome death and be resurrected, no matter our works.  Because Christ rose from the grave and broke the bonds of death, He did so for all men.  The mercy refers to our sins and the opportunity to be purified in order to reenter the presence of our father in heaven.  He talked about how our sins our lifted from us as we apply the atoning power and that the Lord will remember them no more.  He related the relief in knowing that we have been forgiven for those things that we wish we had not done.  I want to add my testimony of the power of repentance and how it leads us to be born again in Christ, to becoming pure and clean so that we can have eternal happiness and joy instead of sorrow and regret.  My favorite part was when he talked about the grace of the Atonement.  This is the strengthening and enabling power that helps us become someone we are incapable of being ourselves, of reaching higher planes that are out of our reach.  The Atonement can not only lift our sins, but lift our lives.  We can become more righteous and good than we ever thought possible if we will allow it to work in our lives. 
Everything in the gospel centers on Christ because it is His gospel.  Elder Andersen said that at the last day, the missionary badges we now wear will be badges of honor because we were special witnesses of Christ.  That is our purpose.  Our service as missionaries is perhaps the most important thing we will ever do, both for those we serve and ourselves.  It honestly becomes a part of you and just as Jesus Christ is written right next to your name, you come closer to him than ever before.  Elder Andersen also said we were just like the apostles (which left me incredulous) because we are dedicating all of our talents, time, and ability to the Lord.  I am grateful for the opportunity to wear this tag not because it means I am any better than someone else or somehow "elite" but because I can focus completely on Christ, bearing testimony of Him, and bringing others unto Him.  He truly is the only way that salvation comes.  It reminds me of 2 Nephi 25:26 "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ...that our children may know where to look for a remission of their sins."  (not exact translation)  We have a loving Heavenly Father whose sole purpose is us.  To bring us happiness and eternal joy which is obtained by living according to the doctrine of Christ so we may return to live with Him. 
I know now more than I've ever known before that our Savior lives.  I know it with my entire heart and soul.  He lived, He died, and most important He rose again so that through Him we may live again in every way imaginable.  His way is the only way that we can ever have the peace and happiness our Heavenly Father yearns for us to have.  He waits with open arms to receive us if we will but come to Him.
~Sorella Jacobson

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life in Italian

Here's Sarah's email from Week 5:
(I did fix the English - either she was typing REALLY fast or she's already forgetting her mother tongue!)
Guess who got to give a talk in Italian in church this week?  Yes.  We have to write one every week and then they randomly pick two of us.  Thankfully one of the sisters gave me a heads up because she thought she saw my name on the program, so I had about 5 minutes to read through mine.  Thankfully I discovered that I can still be sarcastic in Italian.  I got up there and said, "Voi siete felice perche sono qui, ma uno giorno..." ("You're all happy because I'm the one standing here, but one day...") to which they all laughed.  One of the members of the presidency must have been dying because he's a former Army guy, complete letter to the law serious, and I want to run and hide every time I see him.  Anyway, I was shaking inside but this is where the gift of tongues really kicks in if you're prepared.  Although I was saying the words, I could tell that what actually came from the microphone sounded MUCH better than I felt.  To my surprise, it was pretty fluent and someone who's studied Italian even complimented me on my accent.  Plus, everyone understood it.  I was pretty shocked but it definitely wasn't me speaking up there.
Another cool experience happened in the TRC.  This week EVERYTHING was in Italian, including the first lesson.  Sorella Baker and I walked in to teach this sister and she talked faster than I ever thought was possible.  We found out later that she's actually Italian, and isn't even a student or anything.  She's just here in the US for a few weeks visiting and then is headed right back to Italy.  Thankfully no one told us that beforehand or I probably would have quit right there and gone home.  (Scherzo, kidding!)  It was interesting because even though the lesson wasn't "perfect" and didn't go as well as I would have wanted language wise, it went even better because the Lord said, "Here, let me show you how it's done."  My companion couldn't even speak at one point and she told me after it's because it was the first time she's really felt the spirit in Italian.  I can't describe what it was like to look in "Elisa's" (ironic, I know) face and actually see her.  Actually see her.  And watch her eyes fill with tears as the Spirit bore testimony through me in my imperfect Italian.  After we finished, we were about to leave when she asked us to stay.  Her English was probably a bit better than our Italian but only a bit.  She told us that she felt prompted to tell us about her conversion.  The first time she met with the Elders, one of them was visibly struggling with the language and could hardly speak.  However, it was HIS testimony that touched her and changed her life, as imperfect and incorrect as it was.  She told us to stop worrying about being perfect in the language and to focus on bearing testimony.  There are people in Italy waiting just for us.  In her words, "There are specific people waiting for you, Sorella Giacobson.  Just for you.  Please..."  Even though the barrier of language came up then, I knew exactly what she was saying.  That one simple word, "Please..." has literally changed everything.  I just knew.  There is no other way to put it.  I know my purpose, I know why I'm here, and I know why I am to fulfill that purpose in Italy rather than any other place in the world.  How great is my calling.  How grateful I am that this is His work and that He is with me every step of the way.  What a privilege to have a third companion who is a member of the Godhead. 
"If there are any missionaries who are getting the most help right now, it's the Italian missionaries because there's a temple going up in Rome and the Italian people need to know."  -Hermana Anderson
I never thought it was possible to feel this way about Italy and the Italian people.  I thought I felt the joy that comes from the gospel but it's nothing compared to what I am and will experience now.  Thank you for helping me have this opportunity, for it is the foundation of the rest of my life and a foundation that will build something more magnificent that I could have ever imagined.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Some years ago - about five or so - Spencer and I sat in the MTC together preparing to head to Germany.  I thought it would be fantastic to do a musical number and what could be more fantastic than an Elder AND a Sister playing together?  If people didn't know we were related, it would create quite the scandal!  So we did our little duet, and it was awesome, and we'll always remember it.

So of course Sarah had to one-up us and play in front of a bigger and better crowd!  Here's an excerpt from a letter I got this week:

In other news, I tried out for a musical number with my arrangement on Thursday and promptly got a note in my mailbox the next day saying that I was scheduled to play in the Sunday Devotional.  Thus, my little piece for family and friends was performed in front of 2,000+ people which included Chad Lewis and Vai Sikahema (Eagles Football.)  I got to shake hands with both of them (Chad Lewis is SO tall!) and they both complimented me.  How many people can say that?  Ha ha, this is bordering on pride so maybe we should move on.  My hands were shaking so terribly it's a miracle I got through it at all!
And if you thought Sarah had changed at all, here's the little joke she came up with in honor of April Fool's:
My companion had to go to Chicago this week because of visa issues so I was a "solo" sister for a day.  It was perfect because it just so happened to be April Fool's.  After studying with some other sisters, I walked into class and asked the Anzaini if I could say something: "I'm somewhat glad Sorella Baker is gone today because I've been struggling with something and haven't had the courage to tell her yet.  My significant other has written and asked me to stay and marry him instead of leaving *dramatic pause* and I think I'm going to do it."  Oh my word!  They ate it right up.  They asked all these questions and I had this story all planned out for them.  We kept it up for a couple days but after the YW Broadcast talk on honesty I finally gave in because I knew the spirit wouldn't help me perform on Sunday if I wasn't completely honest in my dealings.  We were going to transfer the "solo" sticker to Sorella Baker on Monday and have her walk in alone but alas, it was not meant to be.  So yes, I am kind of a rebel missionary if such a thing exists.  They were so happy/mad/astounded/speechless when they found out.