"So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true...For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation." Joseph Smith

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Stories from Bergamo

Sabrina was baptized on Saturday.  It was definitely different from Marlin and Isaac's but wonderful all the same.  Almost all of their family is Catholic, but they were so nice in talking with us and a few are interested in coming back this week for Family Home Evening.  Her mom went all out and ordered this huge buffet, complete with seaweed and fish egg sandwiches (but not exactly cavier...we never really understood the difference.)  For dessert, there were fruit tarts, cream puffs, creme brulee.  It just never seemed to end.  However, Sabrina was really happy and I was able to bear my testimony about the example she is and how the Holy Ghost will help her continue on this path she has chosen in following the Savior.  It was a neat experience.
Two miracles for you this week:
Tuesday we were walking to an appointment when we saw a woman crying in front of a health clinic.  Although we had already rang to go into the appointment, we decided to go over and talk with her.  We asked if there was anything we could do and she told us no and declined an offer to pray together.  We reassured her that the Savior knew what she was going through and that she could rely on Him.
Yesterday as we were going to Verona, we got off at a little city to transfer trains and ran into this same woman!  We sat by her on the train and she asked who we were.  We started telling her about the First Vision and then the Book of Mormon.  I happened to be carrying a Book of Mormon in english for interviews, and she asked if she could have a copy.  She is very religious and has a super strong faith.  She wants to continue her studies in computer technology, maybe in California.  She was so happy about what we talked about, SHE asked if she could give us her number so that we could meet up with her again.  Then, we said a prayer together in the train.  It was somewhat comical because she said ''amen'' after almost every phrase I said, but the spirit was so strong.
The other miracle also has to do with prayer.  One of our investigators has a brother in Bolivia who is a recent convert, and she is so impressed (apparently he is VERY stubborn) that she wanted to hear the missionaries again.  (She had previously had a few lessons before)  Our first meeting, she told us all about being willing to be baptized and LIVE the gospel, but that she had to be sure.  WE told her the only way to be sure was through prayer.  When we went back, she told us how hard she had been trying to pray, but that something kept preventing her from doing so.  We decided to kneel down and the end of the lesson and pray.  They asked me to give a prayer first so she could follow my example.  I did so, simply but fervently.  She then tried a few times, but shook her head, indicating that she couldn't.  It was then that our wonderful member missionary stepped in and prayed with her as you would a child, having her repeat the things she said.  At the end of the prayer, Marisol was crying.  She said she didn't know why she was trembling and felt so good.  Her young daughter was also very touched and when I asked her how she felt, she said, ''Bene!''  Marisol then told us she felt that she could pray now, and wanted to pray for her daughter's sake.  It was a very tender mercy.
Rose and Julie accepted a soft baptismal invite and have been to church twice now, so we are really excited for them.  We had a family night with 3 evangelists who brought 3 other friends at a members house and the Spirit was really present.  We gave them all a Book of Mormon and even though I don't think they are ready now, maybe in the future they will pick it up and read it or remember what we said.  Our member was absolutely on fire, bearing testimony left and right. 
We also went to meet a woman we had met at the bus stop who's from Brazil and found that she had invited her husband, cousin, cousin's fiancee, mother, another cousin, and aunt over, too.  They've actually had the missionaries over before and we are excited to see how that turns out. 


Before I forget, I have to tell you the greatest news.  ERICA IS BEING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY IN FIRENZE.  Yes, Erica, our 87 year old investigator that I spent four months teaching, the first few lessons in German.  I am so excited for her and glad she finally decided to take that step, even so late in life.  I am grateful the sisters kept working with her and didn't give up on her like most people wanted us to do.  Woo-hoo!  I guess patience really does pay off.
Update: Rose and Julie accepted a soft baptismal invite and have been to church twice now, so we are really excited for them.  We had a family night with 3 evangelists who brought 3 other friends at a members house and the Spirit was really present.  We gave them all a Book of Mormon and even though I don't think they are ready now, maybe in the future they will pick it up and read it or remember what we said.  Our member was absolutely on fire, bearing testimony left and right. 
We also went to meet a woman we had met at the bus stop who's from Brazil and found that she had invited her husband, cousin, cousin's fiancee, mother, another cousin, and aunt over, too.  They've actually had the missionaries over before and we are excited to see how that turns out.
As you can see, the Lord is really blessing us here in Bergamo.  There are so many people that He has prepared to hear the gospel.  It's just up to us to consecrate our time and efforts, and then He will help weak things become strong.  I think a quote one of the sister missionaries left me sums it up best:  ''This is the beginning of a new day, God has given me this day, to use as I will.  I can waste it, or I can grow in its light and be of service to others.  But what I do with this day is important, because I have exchanged a day of my life for it.  When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever.  I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it.'' 

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