"So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true...For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation." Joseph Smith

Friday, June 17, 2011

A City To Pray For

Well the big news is that on Sunday night, we found out at 10:30 PM that we had an exchange the next day, even though we've been asking for weeks now.  We found out from the sisters, not even our zone leaders.  I think it was the first time I have ever seen Sorella Modugno mad.  So we had to stay up late getting ready so switch after zone conference.  It was interesting to be given the reins of Firenze and be the one who had to know which bus to take, where to go, who to call, etc.  It all worked out pretty nicely, though.  Sink or swim type of mentality.  In fact, Sorella Willey is still with me.  She's been out for about 5 months.  I think's always good to have a bit of a change.  I learned some new things about contacting that really helped me.  The downside is having to spend 8 hours in a train between monday and today, but so ist das Leben or in other words, così è la vita. 

Yesterday we went and taught Erica together.  It was a really special lesson as I talked about Joseph Smith and bore my testimony about how I knew he was a prophet of God.  For the first time, I gave the baptismal invite...in German.  It's hard to explain how scary but amazing that is.  It's a good thing they encourage us to give the invite sooner, because we found out she was baptized at 16!  No wonder she was golden!  But she was never really active so we'll keep working with her.  She's been trying to pray for a while but has some personal problems that are preventing her.  However, she is slowly making progress and yesterday asked us to keep praying for her and with her because it really helps her.  Prayer seems like such a small thing to us, but if you really think about how critical it is, it's astounding.  The fact that we can talk with Heavenly Father and receive personal answers is incomprehensible.  The first thing we do when we have a problem is pray, but very few people have a knowledge of that lifeline.  

It's hard to know what else to write.  Now that we found out Erica is a member, we don't have any progressing investigtors.  It would be easy to say that we're wasting our time or that Firenze just needs to be closed.  Even the members tell us that the soil in this city is too hard to plant, let alone even reap.  And the seeds that were planted wither and die, as shown by the number of less actives.  But in spite of it all, I am full of hope.  I know we are here for a reason, whether it's to build up the branch, bring one person back to church, or baptize 10 people.  To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me what I do, as long as I am doing what the Lord wants me to do.  I'm glad I'm in Firenze which is known as a 'missionary killer.'  
Because it is my first city, I've never heard of the nicknames or reputation it has.  But it is breaking me down. It's breaking me down in a good way though, grinding out all of my imperfections and weaknesses.  If I had started out with tons of baptisms or investigators like the other cities, I would not have to completely and totally rely on the Lord like I do know.  I would think that my best is good enough, when it is far from being the best.  I will give every ounce of strength to this city, crawling on my knees if I have to.  And if I don't see one single baptism, or one single reactivation, it will be worth it.  It will be worth it because I will be polished until the Savior's image can shine in my countenance instead of mine.

I hope you do not think I am carried away unto boasting.  Instead I feel more like Ammon, if I do boast it is because I praise my God.  There are no words to relate the gratitude I feel for being in this city at this time with this companion.  I learn so much every day.  I see those we are working with who have had abortions, whose husbands have left them, who don't know how they will feed or clothe their child, or who have all the money in the world but are impoverished spiritually and I realize just how much I have.  I realize just how much I take forgranted.  We are so blessed.  We are so rich spiritually.  Please don't lose sight of that.
Love you all.  Keep the faith.  Continue to pray for me and this city, and I'll do the same for you.  
Vi voglio benissimo!

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