"So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true...For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation." Joseph Smith

Saturday, August 20, 2011

a little bit funny...

I have some funny stories for you all this week.   The other morning, I went to grab my exercise mat and there was this creature that I almost touched behind it.  Thankfully it was 630 in the morning so I wasn't awake enough to scream.  It turned out to be a gecko (spelling?) which my roommate happens to be terribly afraid of.  It didn't help that it was the biggest she's ever seen.  I think you all would have laughed at the sight of me, half awake, shaking, using the broom and dustpan to try and get him to leave.  I had to talk to him to keep myself from being too scared.  ''Come on, little guy.  You can do it!  Come on!''  Meanwhile my companion is on the other side of the door trying not to scream or vomit.  It was quite hilarious.  When another one came in the next night, it was a bit easier.  

Story number 2.  We went to find one of our less actives, who happens to be from Africa.  Turns out she made dinner for us and asked us to stay.  I wondered why my companion was hesitant to agree but quickly found out.  When she removed the cover, I had to try very hard not to change expressions because it both looked and smelled like cat food.  It was this brown mushy stuff with an entire chicken...and I mean entire chicken inside.  Ever spoonful was difficult, and I just had to keep making myself swallow and try not to think about what it was.  After we left, my companion told me she swallowed the skeleton of a fish and felt it as it slid down her throat.  I almost lost everything I had just eaten right there.  And luckily for us, she was so pleased that we ate it, she invited us back again to cook a fish stew that has ''lots of ingredients that you cook all day.''  So if you don't hear from me... kidding!

Contrast this with Sorella Faita, an Italian from Southern Italy who doesn't know how to write, is a pioneer in the faith in Italy, and brought up all of her children in the gospel as a single mother.  Before we stepped in the door my companion turned to me and said, ''Remember, you HAVE to eat everything or she'll be offended.''  In my mind I thought, please don't let this be another cat food experience, please.  First we ate this delicious pasta with a sauce she made from tomatoes from her own garden, and then a tomato salad with basil, olive oil and garlic.  I thought, man that was good, I'm glad we came.  But no.  She then brought out meat, potatoes, beans, and bread.  I tried to take just a bit, but she came and heaped more onto our plates.  It was beyond delicious but I thought my stomach would have to be surgically removed.  And of course, all Italians finish with fruit, so throw a peach on top.  

On a more serious note: I find it difficult to find the words to describe my feelings toward the work right now.  I guess you can say it's a lot like fly fishing.  There are few things I enjoy more than fly fishing - as such, there's not really anything I enjoy more than serving the Lord full time.  But just because fly fishing is enjoyable doesn't make it easy.  You have to deal with bugs, brambles that scrape and cut you, falling in the icy river, walking in muddy shoes, sun burns, and almost killing yourself hiking in and out of the gorge.  But it's worth all of the pain because there is a joy you cannot find otherwise.  As for fishing, you cat your line again and again.  Sometimes they bite, sometimes they don't.  Sometimes the perfect hole turns up nothing and an unexpected pool brings up a whopper.  Sometimes they slip away after you reel them in a bit.  Most are too small to keep.  But at the end of the day, you might have one or two to take home that were worth all of that time and effort.

Right now I'm trying to survive all the bugs and brambles.  I'm struggling with the form and to learn the doctrines that form the fly.  I'm trying to keep my line in the water longer to invite more fish to bite.  But to be honest, most of the time I feel I am a very poor fisherman.  But just like my dad was always there to help me practice my figure 8's or roll casts and point out which holes to fish and how, I am learning to trust my Heavely Father to do the same.  And just like I always had a fishing buddy in Richard, I have a companion to accompany me and help me out.

Love to you all!

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